Members of the SDPBRN team also have key roles in the SDCEP (Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme) and the TRiaDS (Translation Research in a Dental Setting) Collaboration.
SDCEP(Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme)’s primary aim is to develop guidance that supports dental teams to provide quality patient care by bringing together the best available information that is relevant to priority areas in dentistry, and presenting guidance on best practice in a form that can be interpreted easily and implemented. The guidance recommendations may be based on a variety of sources of information, including research evidence, guidelines, legislation, policies and expert opinion as appropriate to the subject. SDCEP guidance takes a variety of forms to suit the diverse topics being addressed.
More information about SDCEP(Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme).
TRiaDS(Translation Research in a Dental setting) is an international multidisciplinary collaboration of researchers conducting implementation research embedded within the SDCEP guidance development process. TRiaDS aims to create a generalisable evaluative knowledge translation framework that is readily transferable across national and international jurisdictions and professional disciplines.
More information on the TRiaDS Programme(Translation Research in a Dental Setting)