Interceptive orthodontics in general dental practice
PhD student: Felicity R P Borrie, BDS, MFDS, RCS Edinburgh
Primary benefits of study: To inform future development of educational initiatives pertaining to the implementation of interceptive orthodontics in primary dental care.
The aim of this study is to understand what factors influence the implementation of interceptive orthodontics in primary care. This understanding will then be used to inform the development of future interventions to encourage use of interceptive orthodontics in general dental practice. A postal survey assessing knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs was developed through consultation with an expert forum and small pilot. Behavioural simulation questions, in the form of scenarios, comprise the study outcome. Questionnaires were mailed to a random sample of dentists meeting inclusion criteria. Responses were returned in self-addressed pre-paid envelopes with a two week reminder to non-respondents and a four week duplicate survey to non-respondents.
This PhD project was completed in 2013.