Feasibility study of suspicious lesion decisions among Scottish/US PBRN dentists
In early 2017 the SDPBRN Rapid Evaluation Practitioners (REPs) were invited to participate in a collaborative research study with our friends from across The Pond. Our colleagues at The National Dental PBRN (www.nationaldentalpbrn.org) were conducting a feasibility study exploring Suspicious Lesion Decisions Among Scottish/US PBRN Dentists. This international collaboration tested the feasibility of using identical questionnaires to measure practitioners’ treatment decisions. The results of the study (PDF) showed that from 108 US dentists and 19 Scottish dentists who participated, 86% of US PBRN dentists had an established reliable decision policy compared to 89% for the Scottish PBRN dentists. It was concluded that the online system demonstrated that decision strategies are highly individualised but that both US and Scottish PBRN dentists were similar in their decisions.