In 2016 SDPBRN and NES CPD held another collaborative symposium on Sustainable Improvements for your Dental Practice at the Apex Hotel, Dundee on 5th October 2016 .
Participants were given an overview on how to make improvements in their practice including topics such as managing risk, managing finance, environmental improvements and quality improvements to enhance patientcare. It was a whole team event and included input from core trainees and vocational trainees as well as 74 delegates from primary care. In mixed groups, participants across roles and areas of practice discussed each of the topics and how they could be applied in their various situations.
Speakers on the day were Jason Leitch (Scottish Government), Aubrey Craig (MDDUS), Louise Peters (Johnston Carmichael Accountants), Jan Clarkson and Irene Black (NHS Education for Scotland), and Divya Verma (Sustainable Health Care).
The take home messages on how to improve patient care and safety and ways to reduce the environmental impact of our day to day work, whilst making it all cost effective, were well received.